Welcome to Week 5, Portal Walkthrough
We appreciate you taking the time to stick with us. We missed a few weeks, but we’re back to help you with your NES Health success!
This week’s lesson is a short 15-minute video discussing the most important places you need to know about as you get started. The following points correspond to the video. This week is similar to Week 2 because we are discussing some of the main hubs where you will find information.
Education section
In the Quick Start lessons, you will find various information that will help you with the basics. These topics are the foundation of your day-to-day client interaction.
👉Science & NES Health Overview
👉Contraindications & Scope of Practice
👉Portal Walkthrough
👉How to Scan
👉Adding Clients
👉Reading Scan Results
👉Infoceutical Protocols
👉Placing Infoceutical Orders
👉miHealth Basics
👉Optional: Working with Forms
BWS Foundation
You can dive deeper into NES fundamentals in the BWS Foundation. You will also find the Infoceutical help file summaries.
After clicking the Welcome & Infoceutical Help Files, scroll down to the blue hyperlink to access the document.
My Account
There are several options within your My Account section. You will find this section by clicking on your photo icon at the top right of your screen and clicking My Account.
Think of this section as your “Grand Central Station” for your daily operations. Be sure to click on each category to see how these functions work.
✳️Important note‼️ If your clients are ordering from their basket each time they scan, be sure to complete the Payout information so that we can pay your direct commissions.
This is where you will manage your client information and individual settings. Additionally, this is where you will enable clients to do a Voice Scan as well as an In-Clinic voice scan. You can also Reset Passwords in the View/Edit option and Impersonate their account.
Scans button
The Scans button section is where you can perform your scan. When your clients log in to their account, this is where they will also be able to perform their Voice Scan. For clients that request a full PDF report, click on Complete Report and you can download the document to send to your client. To view the scan in the portal click on the right arrow next to the Reviewed check mark.
The Resources section is one of the most often overlooked areas. Here you will find the Biosync desktop application, Forms to send your new clients, and much more.
In the Practitioner Tips & Tools section, you will find even more information such as how to create a child or pet account, promote free client accounts, and find a downloadable PDF to send to your clients with Voice Scan instructions.
One question that we often get is if your clients can see all the same options in their shop as you do. The answer is no. When you Impersonate your client it appears they have all the same Shop categories, but they do not. You can see them because you can drop items into their basket. You also have the option to turn off your shop, or only allow certain items to be shown. To turn on/off your shop go to your My Account, My Profile, and Client Settings.
Here you can toggle your Shop on or off, and check which items your clients can purchase from.
You can also change the prices in your Shop. To do this go to My Account, My Prices.
Click on the down arrow to choose your category.
If you want to change your Infoceutical prices at one time, select Infoceuticals and click on Bulk Set Price.
Wrapping Up!
As you begin to navigate through the portal, you will discover information that you didn’t see before. Take some time to dive into these sections. Practice adding friends and family as clients so the process becomes faster and easier. Be sure to go through each section under My Accounts. One last tip is to make sure you fill out your Payout section. That way if you are owed any commission from NES Health we can get that money to you seamlessly.
Next Week 🙋
We will discuss How to Perform a Scan. While it may be second nature for you to perform one, explaining to your clients may not be as simple.
Be sure to check out our Upcoming Training Dates in the Education section of your portal. You will also find links to past trainings in this section as well.
You can reach us at customerservice@neshealth.com or (888) 242-5933 if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to seeing you next week!
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