Welcome to Week 17, Email Lists Part 2
In this second installment, we are going to import our NES client list into our Mailing tool and show you how to set up your first automated email series for prospects. If you do not have a mailing system set up yet, please refer to last week's email. Since all email managers are not created equal, your system may work a little differently.
Let us first export our client list from our NES account, then we will create a specific group in our Mailing tool and import our clients into our newly created group.
Export your NES Client List
Let's go to the NES portal to export your client list.
Go to your Client section then click the blue Export Client Information button
Depending on the size of your client list, It may take a few seconds for the client list to start downloading. Your client list will go to your downloads folder.
The file name will be called: clients information.xlsx
Creating Mailing Groups
Let's create a group for our clients and one for leads.
Im MailerLite select Subscribers in the left sidebar then Groups > Create Group and type in the name for your group. In this example, I am going to create a group called “NES Clients”
I invite you to create another group for your leads. This is where you will house contact form request emails as well as newsletter sign-up requests from your website.
Import Clients Into your Group
In MailerLite click on View Group under NES Clients then Add Subscribers
Different tools may offer different options here. MailerLite allows you to copy/paste data from Excell which is very convenient. Most tools will allow you to import a csv file so we will demonstrate this option.
Your downloaded client file is in XLSX format. We want to turn it into a CSV. If you have Excell installed on your device you can do this easily by opening your Clients Information.xlsx and then selecting save as CSV (Comma delimited)
Other options to save your xlsx file as a CVS include:
- Upload the file to Google Drive and Download as Comma-separated values (.csv)
- You may also choose to use an online tool such as Convertio https://convertio.co/xlsx-csv/
Once your .csv file is ready click on Import from a CSV or TXT file select the csv file then click on Import Subscribers at the bottom of the page.
The next page will allow you to match up the fields in your import file with the fields in your client group. (we are telling the mailing tool where every part of our client's information goes)
Here you can choose to Skip/ignore or add any fields that may not exist in the group.
For example, you may choose to Skip the Title column, however, Forename should be assigned to Name and Surname should be assigned to Last Name.
Date of Birth is part of our client information, however this is not a field that already exists in our MailerLite NES Client group. You may choose to add this field even if you don’t have any immediate plans to use it. You could send an automatic email to a client on their birthday or send out specific information for people based on date of birth / astrological sign.
Keep going down the list to make sure every field from your list is either Skipped, Assigned to the correct field in your Group or you have created a new field for it.
At the bottom of the page, you will be asked how you want to import your list. As this is the first time you are importing information into your list the selection does not matter. In general, you will choose “No, update only filled fields.
Almost done!!!!
Your import results page will show any email addresses that were not able to be imported. Any email with a # at the end will not be added. These emails are typically used for child or pet accounts. As long as the main account holder is present in your client list you do not need an entry for every member of the family.
Congratulations your initial client list has been added to your Mailing list group!! 🥳️🎊 🎉
Sending out your first email
Creating your templates
It can be tempting to just send out your first email right away but there is one step I recommend spending a little time on first - setting up your email template.
Once your email template is set up you will be able to send professional-looking emails any time.
Let's get started by selecting My Templates in the side bar then Create Template.
The template we are creating will be for an email campaign so we will choose a name and select Campaign
On the next page, you can choose to create a template from scratch or work from one of the many pre-existing templates offered by your mailing list tool.
Mailerlite makes creating a template very easy so I am starting from scratch.
I will create a template with a Logo & Navigation block at the top, followed by a Title, Text Area, and a Call to Action button. The last section will include my footer.
When you click on each section you will see a little pen icon that will allow you to edit the look of the block. The text can be edited directly inside each section.
Click here to watch a detailed step-by-step tutorial made by MailerLite
Once you have your content written out make sure to Save your Template.
Creating your first Campaign
You now have a Client List, you have a Template, and are ready to send out your first email.
Let's go to Campaigns > Create > Regular Campaign then fill out the necessary information.
Campaign Name: This is for you and will not be visible to your audience.
Subject: The title of your email.
Sender: This is what you set up when you created your account.
Preheader: Provides additional information and is visible in most clients' inbox.
Recipients: In this example, I chose to email my entire group. You can learn more on how to Segment your audience in this MailerLite video.
On the next page, you will be given the opportunity to select an Existing Template, Start from Scratch, or Choose and Edit a Pre-Made Template. Since we already created a template, we are going to select our Existing Template by clicking Edit
Now you can add or modify the text according to this specific email.
Email example:
When you are done -save by clicking Done Editing
Scroll down to the next page and select how you want to send your email.
Congratulations you have now Sent or Scheduled your first Client Email!!!
Wrapping Up!
Overwhelmed? That's ok, there is no rush to put this in place. Set aside a little time every few days and you will have this set up in no time at all.
Next Week 🙋
We will go over how to create an automated campaign for your leads.
✳️To ensure you receive all our future emails seamlessly, we recommend adding our email address to your contacts so you never miss a beat in our series.
❇️Miss an email? You can find the full Success Series here.
You can reach us at customerservice@neshealth.com or (888) 242-5933 if you have any questions.
To your success!
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